Sunday, December 09, 2007

Wow...I have not written in this thing forever...perhaps an update sometime in the near future.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hey ya'll,

so heres an much of one as I can write in 5 minutes..I must be getting to bed soon.

1 year of college completed

I've had the happiest 8 months of my life with a wonderful guy...rather a stud muffin ;) sorry Brandon (well almost...only a few more days)

I'm home and it feels gooooood..nice to sleep in my own bed and shower without flip flops..not to mention the wonderful meals my mother whips up with her "supermom" powers

I must be going now...because I have work early in the mooorning and nobody likes a tired Caitlin....anyway I promise a better update of this blog is on the way...bare with me.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Update: Coming Soon!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

5 Years Ago:
Who did you have a crush on? Travis Hoying
Where did you live? Wheeling, Illinois
How old were you? 13
Where did you hang out? The mall/ Katies house
What was your favorite TV show? Boy meets world
Did you believe in Santa Claus? Nah
What was your favorite possession? hmm I don't really know... probably some cd or something
What was your favorite band? Backstreet Boys most likely
Did you have a job? What was it? Nope unless you count being a brat..then I had a full time job :/
Who was your best friend? Katie
5 Months Ago:
What was your favorite possession? My bible..definitely kept me in Winona instead of going back home
What was your favorite band?Dashboard Confessional
How old were you? 18
Where did you hang out? The library...sleeping..I mean studying
Did you believe in Santa Claus? Shhhhh
Did you have a job? What was it? Hmm I worked at Osco during the weekends I went home
Had you been in an accident? Nope
Who was your best friend? Susan Smith
Where did you live? Winona
Who did you have a crush on? Brando
Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? no
Are you single? nooope
Where do you live? Winona
Do you know anyone who has never left their home state? Yes
Do you know how to drive a car? Hah thats questionable. Nah, I think I am a pretty good driver but ask Brandon.
Do you have a job? What is it? At home (Jewel-Osco)but not while I am here at school.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

This time last year I was in Wisconsin at Mike and Sheena's rehersal dinner..crazy! This means that tomorrow is their one year and this my friends is exciting. So, since I wont be posting in this tomorrow...HAPPY ONE YEAR!

Well, winter break came and went faster then I would have liked. However, I think this break surpassed all the a landslide. I worked, saw Brando twice, had good bonding time with the fam, caught up on sleep and caught up with old friends. Oh, and pigged out on my moms homemade cookies. What could be better?

One week of the spring semester is dunzo...many more to go. It was a bit rough getting back into the swing of things but I will adjust and just take things one day at a time. Two of my classes are part of the education major and they are by far my favorite classes. One is teaching elementary physical education and the other is child lit. Both are going to take a lot of work and free time with projects and such but at least I will use this stuff in the future. I also love love love my sociology of the family prof. I think I could learn a lot from him..if not I can at least get a good laugh at 8am in the morning.

I spent most of today in the library reading..and I took a the library and as I was telling Brandon, I woke up with people looking at me. Is it a crime to sleep in a library? I don't think so..after all it is so quiet and peaceful, its hard not to sleep! (or maybe its just me)

Well, I should be hittin the hay now so I can fall out of my loft at quarter to 5, shower, and head to Menomonie with the crew for church! I am excited...its been like forever since I have attended a Sunday!

Until next time...keep warm!